Saturday, March 19, 2011

"How Much Would It Cost To Stay 2 More Days?"

This was Luke's question yesterday as we were rushing to get back to the hotel from the zoo in time to get the taxi.  Despite being tired of walking and carrying his backpack, missing his parents and his real dog and cat and being sick of sleeping with his brother, he was ready for more!  This question confirmed that the "DC Adventure" was a success!  I was not ready to leave and neither was Josh and we almost didn't.  We had asked for a taxi to pick us up at 12:15 and we got off the metro and to the hotel with 6 minutes to spare, thanks to Josh's insistence that we needed to hurry.   (Luke and I wanted to see the front side of the panda and visit the reptile house.)  Good thing we had Josh, the responsible one!  I promised Luke we would see the pandas, lions and tigers and was able to keep my promise.

The boys took me out for a nice supper on Thursday night at the hotel restaurant and we talked about the next day, the things we especially enjoyed during this trip and plans for our next adventure.  
Our last breakfast at the hotel.

The flights went well, no spilled pop or loss of anything, including our luggage.  My brother, Tom, picked us up at the airport and Kris, Buddy the dog and Tiger the cat were all glad to see the boys.  The trip exceeded our expectations and I so enjoyed spending this time with my 2 favorite nephews!!  Can't wait until the next adventure! 

Thanks for stopping in and sharing our trip with us!!  Until next time...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Attention: If You Find Something Lost Call:555-LOST And Ask For Lucas

We hate to report that there is a missing Packer hat in DC.  It was last photographical documented to be on Luke's head last night on the Metro after going to Tenley Town.  He thought he left it at the hotel today so when we got home from our adventure, he realized it was missing.  We checked the main desk to see if he left it at the computer room and it hadn't been turned in.  Then we went to McDonalds and it hadn't been turned in there either.  Josh thinks that it was left there and now someone had a really nice Packer hat.  I felt bad because Luke has been so responsible but he is feeling better after talking to his dad!

We got up extra early and made it to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in time to get our chosen time.  We were all surprised that it isn't as big of production to make money as you would think!   Very few machines and fewer workers!  

More geocaching!  We found all that were on our list!
Spent 4 hours at the Air and Space Museum!  I kept asking if they were tired and wanted to go somewhere else but they said, "Sure, but I want to see something else first!"  So if they say that I made them stay, don't believe it!!
3D Imax about Flight
Very interesting man who was really impressed that Luke new the date that the Wright Brothers flew their plane.
Josh after he finished an "amazing, cool" Simulator ride!
The Natural History Museum 
Checking out the gems!  Tried to take one home for their mom, but wasn't successful!
This is the escalator that we have been going up and down several times per day, I don't like it but Josh has gotten to the point that he can walk up and down while it is moving!
Luke has added to his ALOSA (Awesome League of Stuffed Animals!)
Welcome Buddy Bison and Manny Bucks Turtle!
Luke is making movies on the other computer in the office and they both want to go swimming, so better sign off before we get kicked out of the Business Room for unruly behavior!!  I think Luke has a chance of making it big in acting! 
Well, tomorrow we fly out at 3 something and are going to try to do the Tomb of the Unknown and the Zoo.  We'll see how that works!  Might have to catch a later flight!  Our post tomorrow may not occur until Saturday!  Thanks for sharing in our "Amazing Adventure"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tenley Town Train Terror (AKA: Are We There Yet???"

The boys are 1/2 Tenley and they were excited because there is a Tenley Town on the red metro line so after walking........and walking......... we decided to take a quick trip there, pick up a T-shirt for their mom (you would think being a University town they would have something with the name Tenley on it.  But no, they sent us to Bethesda (only 2 stops further on the red line to) Mustard Seed but alas, they were closed!  Kris, we tried really hard but this was all we could get from Tenley Town!!

Goldie had a really busy day today, it started out at the Capitol building after having another good breakfast at the hotel.  
Josh and Luke at the Capitol before our MN tour.
Luke got in a lot of trouble today, mostly because of his Packer hat!!
The boys had gotten passes from Michelle Bachmann's office and she was there when we came to go for our tour.
Christine Roeske-McMillan, my friend from college, and her family were scheduled for the same tour we took, very fun to meet her family and share some time together in DC.  Won't tell you how many years it has been since we were at UWRF together!!
Brandon Berg was our Capital tour guide!  He was a good guide except forgot to tell us we couldn't take our back packs and they had to be taken back up the office.   By the time we went through all the security places, we had given them everything we had but our clothes, and Luke's hat which got him in trouble again for having it on in the gallery!!
South View of the Capital.  We got to go to the gallery and they were voting on HR 170 and we got to watch how they voted.  I am not really too up on my politics but I did recognize Charlie Rangel (sp?).  After Josh's visa card was rejected at the gift store at the Capital, we had a nice meal at the cafe.  We were feeling really good:  backpack, glasses, retainer, hat, money, we hadn't lost a thing until we went up to pick up our belongings at Bachmann's office.  They had "misplaced" my camera bag.  "Oops, don't know where it could have been put!"  All I said was, "this is a problem!" and eventually it was found!
Josh and Luke at the Washington Monument
Can't forget Goldie!
Good thing MN and WI were so close at the WWII War Memorial!
Vietnam Memorial Wall
More geocaching!
More geocaching!

By the time we had walked and walked we thought we would like to take a cab to the metro station.  I was on the phone trying to get someone to pick us up and I heard the boys saying that they flagged one down on Constitution Ave.  Hopped in and the guy had on a turbin and kind of spoke English.  Don't worry, Grandma, we are all safe!!
It was a really busy day and we have another with not so much walking tomorrow, so we better go!
Luke says: "I am tired and feet hurt, but it was a great day DC!!!!!!!!!"
Josh says: "I didn't think the walking was that bad, so I had a lot of fun (I was the one who got us the taxi!) in Washington today!"

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

EyeSpy another Adventure

Had a fun time spending the afternoon at the International Spy Museum.
Don't tell anyone, but although Luke's sunglasses look like any other ordinary sunglasses, they aren't.  His mom doesn't have eyes in the back of her head, but Luke does!!

The day was full of seeing new and old things.  Did some geocaching
 Went to the White House (North side)
And even Goldie got to see the White House-fortunately Bo wasn't around!
South Side
White House Visitor Center
We met a nice family from Phoenix who took a picture for us at the National Archives.  I have been to the Archives and it still doesn't cease to amaze me that these are the real documents that our fore fathers signed so many years ago and we still use their principles in running our country today.  We ate McDonalds and Luke is about to go swimming.  
Tomorrow we have the Capital tour. A friend from college is here (found out on FB) and turns out we are scheduled on the same tour!  It will be fun to meet Chris Roeske's family!
Luke wants to go swimming so better go!  More tomorrow!!

Luke speaking:  "The spy museum was great!!  I say so far, this has been the best day!!  I really hope all the rest will be just as good as today!"

Josh speaking:  "The spy museum was really fun.  If the rest of the vacation is as satisfying as today, I will be happy!  Right now I am working on my March Madness picks, any advice is welcome!!"

Monday, March 14, 2011

Hurry Up and Wait!!

We got an early start this morning by getting to Terminal 2 by 6:00 a.m., got through security by 6:10 and then had to wait until 8:00 to take off.  During the flight I spilled my entire drink and a few minutes later, Luke did the same.  Our neighbors really didn't appreciate it :(   Got to Midway in Chicago, ate lunch at 10 a.m. and played on the people movers.  The flight to Dulles was a little rough but "Goldie" Luke's dog (stuffed) helped us relax some!  After getting to Dulles we were happy to be met with our luggage and found a taxi.  The guy didn't know where to go so I found it on my "palm tree" and he got us to the hotel for less than he quoted, the reviews that I read about how rude the taxi drivers were was not true of this one!  Luke fell asleep shortly after getting in the car.  Got to the hotel and we have a view of the river, Georgetown, Watergate (at least we think we found it) and the White House, capital and the Washington Monument.  Luke and Josh are hiding clues for each other on a scavenger hunt in the room and I am trying to figure out how to use a Mac!  We are going to a Moonlight tour of the Monuments and Luke wonders if should really start at 7:30 because now it is light so late!  Having a great time and looking forward to more adventures tonight and tomorrow!!  Will post pictures tonight because this is a really nice computer!!

PS: For all of you have traveled with me in the past will be shocked that my suitcase was only 32 pounds!!  No trying to empty it to get to 50#!!  Wonder what I forgot!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Playing instead of Packing!!

I have to work tomorrow and really should be packing instead of trying to figure out how to add pictures and update this blog.  I will be sorry in a couple hours!!

Monday, February 28, 2011


For Christmas, my gift to my 2 nephews, was a DC monopoly game and a trip to see the sights in person.  We have written to our congress people, looked things up on the internet and made a "must do" list.  We will board a plane on the 1st official day of Josh and Luke's spring break and I am sure DC will never be the same.  Feel free to check the blog nightly to read about what we have been up to and hopefully to view pictures of our "adventure"!  We will let you know when we leave and when you should start stopping in!!